Thursday, September 20, 2012

Things Thursday: 10 Disney Characters I've Been Compared To

1. Scar - The Lion King
I'm surrounded by idiots.
The Lion King is my favorite Disney movie, and my favorite movie of all time. Now, you might not think it's a good thing to be told you act like a villain, but when one of my closest friends compared me to Scar, I was thrilled.

2. Megara - Hercules
I'm a damsel. I'm in distress. I can handle this. Have a nice day.
I probably hear this one the most. I run an art-based Disney blog on Tumblr and aside from posting artwork, I'm kind of known for being sarcastic, sassy, occasionally rude, and for just not really caring what others think of my attitude. For that reason, a lot of my followers have compared me to Meg.

3. Hades - Hercules
Memo to me: Maim you after my meeting.
I think this goes along with the whole sassy, don't give a care if anyone thinks I'm mean thing, don't you?

4. Snow White - Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
I'm wishing for the one I love to find me today.
We've taken a giant leap from villains and sass-mouthers to a Disney princess who, along with being the fairest, is sometimes considered the sweetest of all the princesses. That's not why I've been compared to her, though. I've been told that of all ten official princesses, I resemble Snow White the most. Probably because of my dark hair, brown eyes, affinity for red lipstick, and my pale person pride. Snow White has also been described as the most annoying Disney princess, which may or may not have a little something to do with why I remind people of her.

5. Belle - Beauty and the Beast
I want adventure in the great wide somewhere. I want it more than I can tell.
Another dark-haired, brown-eyed princess, I also look a little bit like Belle. Unfortunately, I am nowhere near as thin or as tall as her. We also share a few personality traits, some negative and some positive. For example, I'm hot-headed and I can occasionally be rude to guys that show an interest in me. On the other hand, I also love to read and I try my best to get to know a person before I judge them.

6. Charlotte la Bouff - The Princess and the Frog
I swear, I'm sweating like a sinner in church!
Tiana is my very best friend's favorite princess, and she likes to call me the Lottie to her Tiana. It may have a little bit to do with the fact that she's black and I'm white, and she's mostly serious and I'm usually... not. But mostly it's because I have more energy than I can fit in my little body. Also, I really want a southern accent.

7. Nala - The Lion King
I laugh in the face of danger!
Sassy and energetic, this time with more Lion King!

8. Stitch - Lilo & Stitch
This is you, and this is your badness level. It's unusually high for someone your size.
I'm a lot like Stitch because my family is more important to me than anything. I will always try to come up with a solution that will appease both me and my family, and if there's no such solution, I almost always do what will make my family happy, unless doing so will lower my quality of life or actually hurt me. Unfortunately, loving my family doesn't mean I never do things that piss them off. Also, it seems like I get in more trouble than most of my peers.

9. Ursula/Vanessa - The Little Mermaid
Don't underestimate the importance of body language.
I can be very manipulative when I want to be, and a lot of people believe the things that I say even when what I'm saying is obviously bullshit. When I listen to my favorite singers, I always say something about how I wish I could steal their voice. And I think if I had to choose one Disney character to morph myself into, I would choose Vanessa.

10. Tinkerbell - Peter Pan
She was all bad just now, but on the other hand, sometimes she was all good.
This one goes back to the whole hot-headed, temperamental thing. Tink is definitely a sassy little thing, and if she talked, she'd have one sharp tongue. I've been told I'm a lot like her in that way. I've also been told that I have the same body type, but I only wish my body looked like Tink's!

Bonus number 11. Tony Stark/Iron Man - The Avengers
Volatile, self-obsessed, don't play well with others.
The Avengers is distributed by Walt Disney Pictures, so it's kind of a Disney movie. My friends and I, we've all fell in love with the movie when it came out. I've seen it 8 times in theaters! I have a tight-knit group of 9 friends, and we've dubbed ourselves the Avengers, because each of us either acts a lot like one of the characters, or is crazy obsessed with one of them. We are as follows (please enjoy the nicknames I've given my friends):
The Lord as Phil Coulson: My high school drama teacher, who is now more friend than teacher to me. She's Coulson because she somehow manages to pull us all together and do our damn jobs, and she believes in every single one of us even if we don't always deserve it.
BFF Shiksa as Nick Fury: He's Director Fury because he always has ideas when none of us can come up with something to do, and he always somehow gets us all to agree on one thing to do.
Cool Guy as Captain America/Steve Rogers: Aside from having rock hard abs, Cool Guy is like Cap because he's never mean to someone unless they really deserve it. He likes to call himself Captain Russia because he can do a killer Russian accent.
Princess Aurora as Black Widow/Natasha Romanoff: There's no real explanation for this one. She just likes Black Widow.
BFF Slytherin as Hawkeye: Because she shoots arrows. Enough said.
FOM as Thor: You do not want him to put the hammer down.
Little Lord as the Hulk/Bruce Banner: She's known as the Hulk in our little group because she's usually pretty quiet and reserved when she hangs out with us, but as soon as you cross her, she's terrifying.
Sketch as Loki: I think she just wanted to be the villain. Also, she's mischievous. LOKI'D.
And finally, there is myself as Iron Man/Tony Stark: I was dubbed Stark because I always sass people, whether they're being nice to me or not, and because I always have something snarky to say. Also, I tend to cover up my problems and insecurities by acting like I'm better than everyone else. Which, let's be real... I am.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Why I Want to Work at The Disney Store (And Why They Shouldn't Let Me)

Let's be real for a minute here. Nobody is ever 100% honest in job interviews. Even if you say you'd never lose your temper with a customer, and even though you never show that you've lost your temper, there's still that voice in the back of your head begging you to just punch the rude ones in the face. Tempting, but not exactly good for business.

I recently put in an application at The Disney Store and as much as I like to think I'm exactly the kind of employee they're looking for (fun, happy, loves Disney), I am probably the exact opposite (caustic, occasionally rude, maybe loves Disney just a tad but too much.) Nevertheless, I've been looking up some of their interview questions and going over them with a friend of mine, and while some of my answers make her smile and nod... most of them, not so much. Here's a look at my not-so-successful responses, however joking and sarcastic they may be:

What is your definition of the Disney Difference?
People who like Disney are cool, people who don't like Disney drool. If somebody asks me to point them in the direction of the Anastasia dolls, their death will be slow and painful.

A parent and a child walk into the store. Who do you greet first?
Who's got the money?

Are you available on weekends?
Does "available" also mean "sober", or do I get a little leeway there?

Will you be able to work a regular schedule each week?
Sure. But... Wednesdays are a little iffy. Supernatural comes back on October 3rd and sometimes they skip a week or two, so...

What Disney character do you most identify with?
Megara from Hercules. What about you? Did they give you a name along with those rippling pectorals?

How would you encourage customers to return to our store?
Some of them are more trouble than they're worth.

Would you ever steal from our store?
No, not unless you count the Simba doll I hid in my bag as "stealing".
(Really? Do they really ask this?)

What is your favorite Disney film?
Thumbelina. That's Disney, right?

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Making Friends in College (For the College Student Who Doesn't Know How to Make Friends)

College is, in every way, a new experience. The environment is completely different from high school. Instead of hanging around a limited group of people you've most likely known your entire life, you're thrown into a mix of people from all over the world, and everyone has their own story to tell and their own reasons for being there.

That said, while every part of college is new, not all of it is exciting. Even though you'll be surrounded by a fresh group of people, odds are you'll be separated from your best friends, and for the most part, it'll feel like you're completely on your own in the beginning. This can be especially daunting for people who are shy, or just plain don't know how to make friends.

Fret not! I've been in the same boat, my friends, and I've got some advice for you. I'm eighteen years old, and I'm still not one hundred percent clear on the process of making friends. I've always been told to "just be yourself" and as of late, friends and family have been telling me that when it comes it socializing in college, "it will come naturally". But how can I even begin to be myself, when I don't even know how to strike up a conversation?

I consider myself a pretty awkward girl. I can be shy if I don't know a person very well, and I'm quiet before I warm up to a person and get close. The thought of just walking up to a person and saying "hi, my name is Ally" makes me feel odd. Does anybody actually do that in real life? It's just so... out of the blue and awkward as hell.

But even I have found a way to make friends that works for me. I've only been in college for a few days - five to be exact. And already, I've got enough friends to form a pretty decently sized posse. If you're a little bit on the awkward side like I am, I've got some tips for you.

The absolute best advice I can give is to just come up with excuses to talk to people. I am very uncomfortable just walking up to a person and introducing myself, because you never know how a person is going to respond to that. They could be friendly and shake your hand and tell you their name, or, on the opposite end of the spectrum, they could turn up their nose and be like "who the hell is this person" and just walk away. Maybe there aren't that many people who are actually that rude, but the fear is always there in my mind, and even if they don't show it, I will always believe that they're thinking it.

My two closest college friends so far live right down the hall from me, and I would have never met them if my fridge and freezer hadn't quit working. My unit shut off for no apparent reason, and I had things that had to stay frozen, so automatically, I went looking for someone who had a little extra space in their freezer and I found The Rachels. I just knocked on their door and asked them if they had any room in their freezer, and they were very warm and welcoming and let me shove my frozen Eggos in with their ice cubes.

That's a pretty specific example, but there are a ton of different ways this can be done. Got cable in your dorm/apartment, and you're one of the few people that do? Poke your head out the door while you're watching a new episode of your favorite show and ask if anyone wants to watch it with you. Need to take a picture with your roomie? Ask a passerby to take it for you, and see if that gets you talking.

Another great way to make friends if you're living on campus is to get to know your RA. Not only is that a good thing to do in general, but if you're close to your RA, he or she can introduce you to the other RAs. And all those RAs can introduce you to the students who live on their floors, and the web just grows and grows and grows.

Speaking of RAs, a lot of them plan events and meetings for their floor. Take my advice: go to these events. Dorm life can be monotonous. Think of it as a house with just one room. A very small house. Going to events planned for your floor is a great excuse to actually do something, other than sit on your laptop, scrolling through your Tumblr dashboard. It's also a perfect opportunity to get to know the people on your floor and in your building, and to make friends with them. Ask them if they know your roommate already, or if they know somebody else on the floor that you know, or if their dorm is any different from yours. Invite them to hang out in your dorm some time if you've got some special amenity that's in high demand: a TV with cable, a printer, a microwave.

Nothing is more uncomfortable than feeling alone even though you're surrounded by people. Making friends can be hard when all you've ever been taught is to just be who you are and hope that people flock to you. But if you're willing to just take an extra step, making friends in college can be fun and exciting. And often, the ease with which you become acquainted with others will surprise you.